Do you agree with the idea that "a (journalistic) photographer should protect the truth and represent it as accurately as possible"? Is there any room for expression or creative license in journalistic photography?
I believe that photographer's should keep accuracy with their pictures. However, there should definitely be room for creativity. Photographers take the pictures and those pictures belong to them. They should be able to add as much creativity to the picture as they want. As long as they keep the basic message of the picture then they can touch it up as they see fit. The picture does not belong to anyone but the photographer. They can change some elements of the photos they take because it is their picture. If the picture is not theirs then I believe that they should leave the picture alone unless they are given permission to alter it. If the picture's message is altered during the creativity process then that is wrong. The picture should always keep the original meaning. The picture should be accurate, however, the photographer should have the right to add creative elements to it. As long as the message and meaning is still the same then it is okay to add expression and creativity.